2010 June 24
Created by Shirley 14 years ago
Oh Mum how can it be three years since you have gone, time seems to have gone so fast, yet in another way it seems forever since I last heard your voice or held you in my arms.
Today its lovely, hot and sunny, but the day you died it never stopped raining all day, but I did as I said to Alan before you died. I went and walked round the lake in the park in the pouring rain, I went straight there as soon as we left you for the last time ( actually seeing you that is) and just walked and walked, Alan walked with me, as was so dark - well I guess looking back wasn't that dark, but to me it felt as if all the light had gone from my life -yet only about 6pm
I will never stop loving your or missing you. You are my mum ' The Mug' and so much loved.
I hope you are happy where you are with you mum, sister and brother whom you missed so much.