Her Life With Her Family

Created by Shirley 17 years ago
Anne was my mum and I loved her dearly. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and we all were in contact with her nearly daily even though 3 of us live far away, while the other 2 nearer but still a distance from her. She was our first point of contact whenever anything happened in our lives good or bad. She then would pass it on - she held the family together, without her I doubt we will ever know about the others lives as we did while mum lived. All our lives mum was there to tell and help to lift us over the bad times or to share our joy in the good. She was never wealthy it wasn't money that she gave to help us, but her just being there, with her common sense would help us see the light through the darkness. I doubt many mums were so involved in all their childrens lives, not at our ages of from 39 - 50. Her grandchildren adored her - she had 12 as did her great grandchildren - she had 4. OThe family joke was mum always said she was 'the mug' it became a term of enderment which she even used in a letter she wrote to us in January 2004 just before she went into hospital for a Mastectomy which because the state of her heart doctors were not sure she would live through, but live she did and beat the cancer, and after signing the letter mum in brackets she put 'the mug'

